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Technique: 'Guard/X Guard/X Guard/Sweeps - X Guard Takedown from Partial...';
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Partial X Guard Entry from Hook Sweep, Takedown and Unbalance Sweep from Partial X Guard

2-Part Advanced Lesson -- Marcelo shows three levels of sweep starting from Butterfly-Guard: Hand-fight to enter into an Over/Under Clinch while seated in front of a kneeling opponent, and fall into a Hook-Sweep in the direction of you...
1 Leg X Guard Entry vs Folding Pass

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo enters Single Leg X from a Reverse Hook Lift against a resisting opponent: The moment your Butterfly Guard has it's wings smashed together with a Folding Pass, immediately bring your knees together while mainta...
High Leg Over vs X Guard Takedown Sweep

1 Part Lesson -- Marcelo reviews how to counter the Take-Up Sweep from X-Guard: A great exercise for working on how to sweep from a Deep-Half or X-Guard (Split-Guard, Y-Guard, Curu-Curu, 70/30, et al.) is to practice rocking upright fr...
Hook Lift from Butterfly > X Guard Takedown from Partial X Guard > Partial X Guard Entry vs Folding Pass

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo discusses momentum in relation to pulling X-Guard: If you can pull guard from standing, utilize the falling energy to help load your opponent up onto your hooks for a powerful lift. Pop the opponent up like a fo...
Deconstructing an Opponent

3 Part Lesson - Marcelo conceptualizes the idea of wrecking an opponent's structure and base by forcing the opponent into collapsing or creating a temporary structure that exposes himself to another submission or attack.
1LXG from 2on1 Control, X Guard Takedown

3 Part Lesson - Marcelo discusses how to bait the opponent into generating backwards momentum and posting his hands from X-Guard using a Collar Tie. Those movements will trap the opponent into your sweep.
2on1 Control 1Leg X Guard Entry → Hook Sweep Variation from 1Leg X Guard → X Guard Takedown from Partial X Guard

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo teaches two time-sensitive sweeps based on wrist control: [I] If you can hold your opponent's hands, you can take more as he defends by scooting forward for Double Underhooks; if he frames you, divert his arm in...
Hook Sweep Variation from 1Leg X Guard, Hook Sweep Variation from Partial X Guard, X Guard Takedown from Partial X Guard

3 Part Lesson — Marcelo shows us how to get underneath and sweep an opponent who is kneeling: [I] Starting from Butterfly Guard, gain the inside space with Double Under Control, thus allowing you to raise the opponent with your hooks a...
Collar and Elbow Control Hook Sweep, Under Hook and Head Control Hook Sweep, Partial X Guard Entry, X Guard Takedown from Partial X Guard

3 Part Technique - Approach the opponent through Hand Fighting and search for an upper body control. As the opponent bases against your initial Collar and Elbow Control Hook Sweep, pummel for an Under Hook and clamp your hands together...
2on1 from Closed Guard, Partial X Guard Entry, Takedown Sweep from Partial X Guard, Guard Recovery vs Failed Folding Pass, Cross Arm and Belt Sweep from Half Guard

2 Part Technique — When you are feeling uncomfortable playing Closed Guard and need to transition out to a better position, do so with 2on1 Control. As you opponent bases his leg to defend the control, uncross your ankles and hoist his...
2on1 Control from Butterfly, Partial X Guard Entry, X Guard Takedown from Partial X Guard, X Guard Takedown,

3 Part Technique - Use 2on1 control to force the opponent into posting his foot, exposing underneath his leg. Your foot will act as a hook to bring the opponent's leg to you, transitioning into Partial X Guard. Create the room needed t...
Reverse Hook Sweep vs Folding Pass, Partial X Guard Entry vs Folding Pass, X Guard Takedown from Partial X Guard

2 Part Technique - Having your knees folded together by your opponent's chest does not equate with having to lay flat onto your back. Sit up and snatch his belt into your hand and elevate him off of pass with the Reverse Hook Sweep. If...
Cross Arm and Belt Sweep from Butterfly, Hook Sweep Variation from 1Leg X Guard, X Guard Takedown from Partial X Guard

2 Part Technique - When your opponent prevents you from sweeping him with the Cross Arm & Belt Sweep by posturing up, pull him on top of you into 1Leg X Guard. If you cannot pull him directly on, push him off to the side for the entry....
Double Collar Control, Hook Lift from Butterfly, Partial X Guard Entry, Hook Sweep Variation, X Guard Takedown from Partial X Guard, Single Leg Takedown

3 Part Technique - If your opponent avoids the hand fight, seize both of his collars for Double Collar Control from Butterfly, perform the Hook Lift, and capture the Inverted Armbar when he posts on the mat. If he posts too quickly or ...
2on1 Control from Butterfly, Over Under Control from Butterfly, Hook Sweep from Butterfly, Partial X Guard Entry, X Guard Takedown from Partial X Guard, Push Kick Sweep from Butterfly, Single Leg from Butterfly

3 Part Technique - The principle of chaining your attacks is a vital concept for high-level grappling, in that, you must be ready to answer your opponent's counter to your initial set-up. If you can account for the variety of ways in w...
Hip Roll Escape vs Back Control, Straight Roll Turtle Escape, Partial X Guard Entry vs Folding Pass, X Guard Takedown from Partial X Guard, X Guard Entry, X Guard Takedown from X Guard

3 Part Technique - You have to be prepared to defend against an opponent who takes your back from a more traditional position rather than with the more superior Seatbelt Control. If he runs behind your hips as you attempt the Hip Roll ...
Collar and Elbow Control Hook Sweep, X Guard Entry, X Guard Takedown from Partial X Guard

2 Part Technique - Force exposing reactions from the opponent using Hook Sweeps. Over Under is the strongest control to Hook Sweep, but often it can be difficult to secure through hand fighting. Collar and Elbow Control is a great solu...
Hand Fighting from Butterfly, 2on1 Control from Butterfly, Double Elbow Control, Hook Lift, Partial X Guard Entry, X Guard Takedown from Partial X Guard

2 Part Technique - Find 2on1 Control from persistent Hand Fighting, engaging into Double Elbow Control. Use the control to Hook Lift and transition into Partial X Guard. Control the far hand and extend your legs to complete the Partial...
Double Collar Control Hook Lift from Butterfly, X Guard Takedown from Partial X Guard, Single Leg from Side Control

2 Part Technique - As the opponent retreats from Hand Fighting, secure Double Collar Control and lift; exposing him underneath to X Guard. If the opponent swings his leg over, countering your X Guard, look to fill the empty space with ...
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